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Brewing Guides

Click the images to find the steps for a perfectly brewed coffee.



French Press

Moka Pot


Cold Brew




Drip Coffee


The Hario V60 is not just a brewer; it's an experience. With its iconic design and the ability to finely control each variable, the V60 invites you to celebrate the beauty of manually crafted coffee.

What You Will Need:

  • Hario V60
  • Hario filter
  • Vessel or decanter
  • Medium to coarse-ground coffee
  • Scale
  • Gooseneck kettle for controlled pouring

Suggested Brew Ratio: 16:1 (16ml of filtered water to every gram of coffee). For a 400 ml brew: 25 grams of coffee.

Grind Consistency: Achieving the right extraction is all about your grind size. If your brew drains too quickly, your grind might be too coarse. If it's too slow, you might need a coarser setting. Adjust as necessary for the perfect flow.


  1. Prep the Filter: Insert the paper filter within the V60.
  2. Rinse & Preheat: Pour hot water over the filter to eliminate any paper taste and to warm your V60 and vessel. Once drained, discard this water.
  3. Add Coffee: Introduce the freshly ground coffee (according to your chosen ratio) into the wet filter.
  4. Bloom: Pour around 70 grams of water (just off boiling, roughly 96ºC) over the grounds, ensuring even saturation. Let it sit for 40 seconds. This phase allows coffee gases to escape, ensuring a smoother brew.
  5. Continuous Pour: Start from the centre and pour the rest of the water in slow, consistent circles, gradually expanding outward and then back in.
  6. Final Drain: Once all the water has passed through the coffee and into your vessel, carefully remove and discard the filter.
  7. Sip & Savor: Revel in the intricate flavours of your handcrafted coffee and enjoy the satisfaction of a brew well done.

Tip: The beauty of the V60 is its allowance for experimentation. Play around with grind size, water temperature, and pouring techniques to perfect your cup!


The Chemex is not only a design icon but also an efficient pour-over method that employs a unique bonded filter. This results in a cleaner, brighter cup of coffee, free from bitterness and sediment. It's a distinctive way to savour coffee.

What You Will Need:

  • Chemex
  • Chemex bonded filter
  • Coarse ground coffee, resembling coarsely cracked pepper
  • Scale
  • Gooseneck kettle

Suggested Brew Ratio: Aim for a brew ratio of 16:1, meaning 16ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee. For instance, for a 400ml brew: 400 ml ÷ 16 = 25 grams of coffee.

Tip: Monitor the grind size for optimal extraction. If your brew drains too fast, make the grind finer. If it's too slow, coarsen the grind.


  1. Prepare the Filter: Fold the Chemex filter and position it inside the brewer, ensuring the thicker portion is facing the spout.
  2. Filter Prep: Pour hot water over the filter to eliminate any paper taste and warm up the Chemex. Empty the water.
  3. Add Coffee: Pour your coarsely ground coffee (as per the recommended ratio) into the filter.
  4. Bloom: Pour approximately 70 grams of water (around 96ºC, just below boiling) over the coffee. Allow it to sit for 40 seconds. This process lets the coffee bloom and degas.
  5. Brew: Slowly and steadily pour the rest of the water, using a circular motion to ensure even saturation.
  6. Complete the Brew: Once all the water has passed through the coffee, lift out the filter and dispose of it.
  7. Serve & Relish: Pour your freshly brewed coffee into a cup and savour its rich flavour.


The French Press, also known as a Plunger, offers a timeless way to brew coffee. It’s simple yet effective design allows for full extraction, yielding a rich and smooth cup with a bold flavour profile.

What You Will Need:

  • French Press/Plunger
  • Coarse ground coffee
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Kettle

Suggested Brew Ratio: Brew ratio: 16:1 (16ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee). For a 400 ml brew: 25 grams of coffee.

Tip: To achieve the cleanest cup, avoid pouring the very last bit of coffee where the fine sediments settle.


  1. Preheat: Pour hot water into your French Press to preheat it. This helps maintain the brewing temperature when you add your coffee and brewing water.
  2. Grind Coffee: Freshly grind your coffee beans to a coarseness resembling breadcrumbs or sea salt. A burr grinder is ideal, ensuring an even grind crucial for optimal extraction in a French Press.
  3. Add Coffee: Discard the preheat water from the press. Add your ground coffee, ensuring an even bed by giving the French Press a gentle side-to-side shake.
  4. Bloom: Start your timer and pour hot water (around 96ºC) in a circular motion until the French Press is halfway full. This stage allows the coffee to bloom, ensuring even saturation and releasing gases from the beans.
  5. Stir: After 30 seconds, gently stir the brew using a spoon to ensure all grounds are fully saturated.
  6. Complete the Pour: Add the remaining water until the desired level is reached. Place the lid on the French Press, ensuring the plunger is fully up.
  7. Brew: Allow the coffee to steep for a total of 4 minutes.
  8. Plunge & Pour: Slowly and steadily push the plunger down to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee. Once plunged, immediately pour the coffee to prevent over-extraction.
  9. Savor & Enjoy: Your rich and aromatic French Press coffee is ready to be enjoyed!


The Moka Pot, often referred to as the "Stove Top", is a classic Italian coffee brewing method that produces a rich, espresso-like brew. Depending on the brew ratio used, the resulting coffee can either resemble a traditional, robust espresso or be a milder, smoother brew.

What You Will Need:

  • Moka Pot
  • Fine to medium ground coffee
  • Scale
  • Kettle
  • Stove or cooktop

Suggested Brew Ratio:

  1. Traditional Espresso-like Brew: Brew ratio: 12:1 to 13:1 (12/13ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee). For 300 ml: Approx. 24 grams of coffee (based on a 12.5ml ratio).
  2. Smoother, Rounded Flavour Brew: Brew ratio: 16:1 to 17:1 (16/17ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee). For 300 ml: Approx. 18 grams of coffee (based on a 16.5ml ratio).


  1. Inspect the Gasket: Before you begin, ensure the Moka Pot's gasket is in good condition. Replace if it shows signs of wear.
  2. Preheat Water: Boil water using your kettle. This reduces the time the Moka Pot is on the stove, minimising the risk of burning the coffee.
  3. Weigh and Grind: Measure your coffee beans and grind them to a consistency slightly coarser than what you'd use for espresso.
  4. Fill the Base: Pour the boiled water into the base of the Moka Pot, ensuring it's filled up to, but not covering the safety valve.
  5. Add Coffee: Fill the Moka Pot's basket with ground coffee. Level the surface by gently tapping the base on a tabletop. Ensure the coffee bed is even, but avoid compressing it.
  6. Assemble the Moka Pot: Holding the base with a cloth to protect your hand from the heat, screw the top part firmly onto the base.
  7. Brew: Set the Moka Pot on a stove set to medium-low heat.
  8. Monitor: As the coffee starts to emerge from the spout, keep an eye on it. Once the coffee stream turns honey-coloured and the brewing sounds become more of a gentle hiss, remove from the heat.
  9. Serve Immediately: To prevent over-extraction or bitterness, immediately pour the coffee into your serving cup. Avoid leaving the brewed coffee in the Moka Pot.

Enjoy your rich and aromatic Moka Pot coffee!


Embrace the Aeropress for its versatility and ease of use. This method, combined with the compact design, promises a flavourful, full-bodied brew whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go.

What You Will Need:

  • Aeropress and its filter cap
  • Medium-ground coffee
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Kettle

Suggested Brew Ratio: A 16:1 ratio is recommended. That's 16ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee.

  • For the standard AeroPress: 255 ml water → approximately 16 grams of coffee.
  • For the AeroPress Go: 200 ml water → approximately 12.5 grams of coffee.


  1. Boil and Prep: Boil 500 ml of water. While it heats, assemble your Aeropress in the inverted position.
  2. Warm & Rinse: Pour a little hot water into the Aeropress and your mug. This preheats both. Then, insert the filter into the filter cap and give it a rinse to remove any papery taste.
  3. Coffee Grounds: Place your Aeropress, (without attaching the filter cap), on the scale and add your ground coffee. A little shake ensures an even distribution.
  4. Water Infusion: Reset the scale to zero. Start the timer, then pour hot water (preferably at 96ºC) up to the top of the Aeropress. Stir the mixture for 10 seconds to ensure even saturation.
  5. The Inverted Flip: Once your timer indicates 2 minutes, attach the rinsed filter cap. Carefully (it's hot!) invert the Aeropress directly onto your mug.
  6. Press Time: Exert a steady pressure on the plunger. Aiming for a 30-second press time is ideal. Listen for a hissing sound, signalling the end of your press.
  7. Sip and Savor: The brewing process is complete. Pour into your favourite mug, sit back, and enjoy the rich, smooth coffee you've crafted.


Experience the refreshing taste of cold brew effortlessly with the Hario Cold Brew Bottle. This travel-friendly method ensures you can enjoy a deep, rich coffee flavour - the ideal companion for those scorching summer mornings.

What You Will Need:

  • Hario Cold Brew Bottle
  • Medium-coarse ground coffee
  • Scale
  • Cold, filtered water

Suggested Brew Ratio: A 16:1 ratio is recommended. That's 16ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee.

  • For the standard AeroPress: 255 ml water → approximately 16 grams of coffee.
  • For the AeroPress Go: 200 ml water → approximately 12.5 grams of coffee.


  1. Preparation: Measure out 55g of your chosen medium-coarse ground coffee and put it into the mesh filter basket.
  2. Water: Fill the Hario bottle up to the 750ml mark with cold filtered water.
  3. Coffee Addition: Carefully place the mesh filter basket into the water, put the caps back on, and gently spin the bottle for 20 seconds until the grounds are fully saturated. 
  4. Patience Pays: Refrigerate for a minimum of 12 hours, allowing the flavours to meld fully.
  5. Sip and Store: Once ready, pour and relish your cold brew! Remember to consume within a week for the freshest taste.

Embrace simplicity and enjoy a vibrant cup of cold brew coffee with this easy method. Cheers!


Elevate your coffee game with the art of brewing a traditional espresso. Rich, intense, and brimming with flavours, it's no wonder espresso is a beloved global coffee favourite. Master your brew with this guide!

Essential Tips Before You Begin:

Tamper Selection: Use a flat or slightly curved tamper that's a snug fit for your basket. An uneven tamp can result in channelling, causing an uneven extraction.

Brew Pressure: Aim for around 9 bars when using traditional espresso machines.

Extraction Time: Adjust grind size if the shot pours too quickly (under 25 seconds) or too slowly (over 30 seconds).

What You Will Need:

  • Espresso machine
  • Freshly roasted coffee beans
  • Filtered water
  • Timer
  • Tamper
  • Scale

Parameters to Keep in Mind

Dose: Typically, 7-9 grams for a single shot and 18-20 grams for a double. This can vary based on equipment and personal preferences.

Yield: A standard single shot yields about 30ml (25-35ml range). For precision, many modern cafes weigh shots, with double shots usually at 36-40 grams.

Time: Water should be in contact with the coffee for 25 to 30 seconds.

Brew Ratio: The 1:2 ratio is popular in Australia. For example, a 20g dose should yield a 40g shot.


  1. Prep the Machine: Remove the group handle, activate the shower head, and let the water run for a few seconds.
  2. Grind: Opt for a fine grind, placing the grounds into the basket.
  3. Distribute: Even out the coffee either by gently tapping on a counter or utilising a distribution tool.
  4. Tamp: Using a perfectly fitting tamper, press the coffee evenly. A firm, consistent pressure is ideal. Ensure a flat surface.
  5. Brew: Attach the portafilter to the group head and commence brewing. Rely on time (25-30 seconds) or yield (25-35 ml or by weight) as per the 1:2 ratio (20g coffee = 40g espresso).
  6. Savor: Your perfect espresso is ready!

Tip: Keep an eye on the grind! Too fast? Go finer. Too slow? Opt for a coarser grind.

Remember, perfection is subjective. Factors like bean type, grind size, water quality, temperature, and personal tastes play a role. The key is balance; avoid too bitter or too sour tastes.


The Nanopresso is your portable gateway to espresso heaven! Compact in design, it enables coffee aficionados to brew a delightful espresso shot without the need for a full-blown machine. By manually pumping a small amount of hot water through finely-ground coffee, the Nanopresso brings your preferred café experience to the great outdoors or any location you find yourself. Whether it's a traditional espresso, macchiato, piccolo, latte, long black, hot or iced – the Nanopresso delivers.

What You Will Need:

  • Nanopresso device
  • 10g of freshly ground coffee (fine grind)
  • 50ml of filtered water heated to 98ºC
  • A scale
  • Your favourite milk, if desired


  1. Warming Up: Start by preheating the Nanopresso. Fill the water chamber with boiling water and pump until the chamber empties. This ensures your coffee remains at the optimal temperature during extraction.
  2. Grinding Perfection: Freshly grind your beans until you have 10g of fine coffee grounds.
  3. Load and Level: Add the first 8g of your ground coffee to the coffee basket. Level the grinds, then use the Nanopresso scoop to tamp them down. Add the remaining 2 grams, level again, and tamp.
  4. Secure the Basket: Position the coffee basket in the Nanopresso's upper chamber and tighten the cap.
  5. Water Ready: Pour your 50ml of water (at 98ºC) into the water chamber and seal it.
  6. Pump Position: Flip the Nanopresso upside down. Unlock the pump by giving the knob a slight twist.
  7. Blooming: Begin pumping 6-7 times or until you notice the coffee starting to drip. Pause for 30 seconds, allowing the coffee grounds to bloom, enriching the flavours.
  8. Extraction: Continue pumping until all water has passed through the coffee grounds and you are greeted with a velvety espresso shot in your cup.

Enjoy the beauty of handcrafted espresso wherever you are with the Nanopresso. Cheers to your adventures and your impeccable taste in coffee!


The Moccamaster stands out for its ability to consistently craft excellent filter coffee in larger quantities. Its user-friendly design ensures you'll achieve a superb batch brew with every use.

What You Will Need:

  • Moccamaster machine
  • Nº 4 size filter paper
  • Coffee beans, medium grind
  • Scale and timer

Suggested Brew Ratio: Aim for a brew ratio between 16:1 and 20:1. This translates to 16 to 20ml of filtered water for every gram of coffee.

Example - for 1250 ml of water:

  • At 16:1 ratio: 78 grams of coffee
  • At 20:1 ratio: 62.5 grams of coffee


  1. Prepare the Filter: Fold the filter paper along its seams and place it snugly within the cone. Rinse the filter with hot water to ensure it clings uniformly to the cone. Once it's drained, discard the rinse water.
  2. Dose the Coffee: Based on the recommended ratio, measure out your coffee beans and water.
  3. Fill It Up: Add the measured water into the Moccamaster's reservoir.
  4. Grind and Level: Grind your coffee beans to medium particle size. Transfer the grounds to the cone, ensuring an even distribution by giving it a gentle levelling shake.
  5. Initiate Brewing: Close the flow control (set the filter cone to the "closed" position) and activate the Moccamaster.
  6. Stir and Pause: When the water reaches halfway in the filter cone, shut off the machine and gently stir the coffee grounds. After a 30-second pause, adjust the filter cone to the "half-open" setting and turn the Moccamaster back on.
  7. Complete Brewing: Allow the Moccamaster to continue its process until the water reservoir is emptied, ensuring complete saturation of the coffee grounds.
  8. Savor the Moment: Your batch brew is now ready. Pour and enjoy the aromatic richness of your coffee!


Elevate your coffee experience, even on the go. Our drip coffee sachets merge convenience with quality, ensuring you don't compromise on taste wherever you are. Follow our guide to achieve a perfectly brewed cup.

What You Will Need:

  • Drip coffee sachet
  • Filtered water (around 92-96°C)
  • Your favourite mug


  1. Heat It Up: Begin by heating the water. If you don't have a kettle that monitors the temperature, you can follow this rule of thumb: after the water has boiled, let it sit for about a minute. This resting period will help the water cool down slightly and reach the optimal temperature of around 95°C
  2. Unfold the Magic: Gently open the drip coffee sachet from its package. Notice the side flaps? These are designed to fit snugly over the edges of your mug.
  3. Position the Sachet: Drape the sachet over your mug by securing the side flaps onto the mug's rim. Ensure it is stable and that the internal filter is opened for even brewing.
  4. The Bloom: Pour a splash of your hot water over the coffee grounds to just wet them. This step, called 'blooming', lets the coffee release trapped gases, leading to a cleaner brew. Wait approximately 30 seconds.
  5. Pour and Savor: Gradually pour the remaining hot water over the coffee, adjusting the amount to achieve your desired strength.
  6. Patience Pays: Allow all the water to drip through the coffee, which might take a few minutes.
  7. Serve and Enjoy: Carefully lift the sachet from your mug and discard. Now, sit back and enjoy the aromatic richness of your freshly brewed coffee.

Experience Braz Coffee

We take pride in roasting single-origin beans that transport every coffee lover straight to the origin with each sip.


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